Saturday, March 27, 2010

The input of the Tweens so far

Maddy London Blog

Day 1, 3/25

Today, we drove to LAX. We had to wake up at 2:00 am, arriving at 5:00 am. The plane ride was 2 hours, landing in Dallas, Texas. Mom doesn't like Texas, I can only guess why. Then we had to wait 5 hours for our next flight to arrive. We ate at the busiest TGI Fridays ever. When our flight came, it really freaked me out. It was SOOOO big and had three rows of seats. The flight took 12 hours. I didn't sleep a wink. When we arrived in London, we went on the stupidest tube train ever. It was cramped, full of loud people, and stopped every 30 seconds, if we where at the station or not. The loudest people where three teenage girls telling storys of crushes and asking each other for money. Finally we came to the hostel and dropped of our luggage. It was quiet and had too many stairs. We rode around in a two story bus and looked all over London. Even though we sat down, our feet still hurt. We finally got to the hostel and fell asleep.

Day 2 3/26
Today we went to the Natural History Museum and saw dinasaur bones and the timeline of life on Earth. It was cool. Then we walked around Kensington to get to the Diana memorial park. The best part there was the Peter Pan ship. But before we left the hostel we talked for hours with some very fun and interesting people. So by the end of everything we were really tired again. It took a lot of walking to find the Wagamama restaurant that we wanted for dinner. When we got there, it was DELICIOUS. Mom bought chocolate bars and they are so much more awesome here in England!!!Chris

 Chris blog Day 1 London 3\25

Today, I learned the starting parts of England. Like that there are many trollies and underground stations, many of which contain trains and food stands. Also we rode a bus through downtown and saw so many things, like the Royal Court of Justice and some Palaces, pubs and a lot of churches .

day 2 london 3/26

Today I went to the Natural History museum and learned the history of earth, sience and all. Then I went to the Princess Diana memorial playground in Kensington Gardens. Dinner was great, I had duck gyoza and real ramen with chicken and vegetables at Wagamama. My favorite part of the whole day was the playground.

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