Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Science Museum and IMAX

Today we went to the science museum.  Mom's foot feels much better and my feet didn't hurt until the very end. Go rubber shoe insert things! The  museum was cool and had many hands-on activities. We saw a dinosaur IMAX film. Sooooooo cold today also. Makes my hair frizzy and my toes ache. But all-in-all, London is AWESOME!

I had such a wonderful time at the museum.  My favorite part was the IMAX movie.  But first we went to the LaunchPad where we did everything on our own.  It was pretty great because it was all really doing things for science. I already knew a lot of it, like about sound waves, magnetism, electricity generation and so much more. Last thing was the dinosaur IMAX, it was a little scary but mostly about fossils and history.

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